Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tiananmen Square

As discussed in yesterday's post, I was fortunate enough to visit China about 25 years ago, and found it to be an amazingly interesting place. I haven't been back since, and I would really like to go there again, because I think the most incredible changes would have occurred in the meantime.

When I was in Beijing, for example, cars were relatively few in numbers, while bicycles were in plentiful supply. Hordes of bicycles would clog the streets in the mornings and afternoons, riders well protected against the freezing winter weather.

I don't know what the rules are now, but back then, all tourists had to be escorted by someone from the Tourist Bureau. The person we had was really excellent, but you had the feeling that you were only to go to certain places. In Beijing, one of the most fascinating areas was Tiananmen Square, where there are many monuments and statues to the People's Revolution and Chairman Mao. I was able to photograph this marvellous statue at the right time of the day for the sun to provide shadow detail, emphasising the depth of the figures. Note the detail in the hands, faces and weapons. (A larger image can be seen here.)

EXIF: sorry!


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