Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The image editing software available today gives the photographer almost unlimited creative opportunity; in fact, to such an extent that there is an ethical dilemma of sorts surrounding the "improvement" of photographs. Some people call it cheating, while others cite the licence that painters have in terms of their representation of people and objects, where imagination is the only limiting factor.

Most newspapers and magazines have an editorial policy that precludes any major alteration of images for publication. Global enhancements, such as tweaking contrast or increasing colour saturation may be permitted, while more advanced post processing may not - at least unless a specific disclaimer is provided. However, photographers who are producing images for themselves are not limited in this way.

My photograph today is a montage. I have used Adobe Photoshop to increase the size of the balloon. Both the sky and the balloon were in the original photograph, but I wanted the balloon to be a more significant part of the image than it appears in the original. All I had to do was to cut the balloon out of the original and save it; then enlarge it and paste it back over the place that it came from.

Is it cheating? You can be the judge!

EXIF: Nikon D70; Nikkor 18-70mm; ISO 200; 1/320 sec; f9.


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