Thursday, April 10, 2008

Portfolio shot

A friend asked me to help her by taking some photos for her graphic design portfolio. As I had never done anything like that before, I agreed. The procedure was that she would set up the shots that she wanted and I would provide the technical expertise to take the photograph. She wanted to illustrate various aspects of design, and the picture above was a product shot.

This particular table-top was a pretty simple set-up - lighting
off camera, viewpoint slightly above subject, make sure exposure is correct. We needed a plain white background to focus the viewer's attention on the subject, which in this case was a premium beer. I think the image turned out fairly well, although if I were to take the same picture again, I would do certain things slightly differently.

For instance, I think the photo would be improved if the glass had more beer in it. And the opened bottle of beer should have come straight out of the fridge so that there would have been condensation on the bottle to replicate the condensation in the graphic on the carton.


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